How to decide the best links for your site.

1.) High link popularity score (more inbound links) run site: (site url).

2.) High page rank in Google tool bar. 4-5 up to 7 or 8. (Mean’s they’re indexed well, usually)

3.) Well laid out site with easy navigation from page to page throughout the site.

4.) Pages full of content with regard to the site theme.

5.) The page has a well indexed cache stored on Google/Yahoo/MSN, along with recent date.

6.) The inbound/back links are mostly from sites on topic and are full of relative content.

7.) The partner site has only outbound links to other same theme sites.

8.) The outbound links are very limited. Below 10 is good, but preferably below 5 outbound.

9.) The partner website/domain has an age minimum of 2-3 years old through registrar.

10.) The price is relatively competitive and the partner is trustworthy.

11.) The links must be place on home page or high page rank page.

12.) Not more than 50 links on the page, there, your links is placed.

  1. Zeeshan March 19, 2008 at 12:19 PM  

    hey dear wow i think you good you keep on blogging ....
