WP SpamFree allows you to eliminate automated spam bots from controlling your comments, by using javascript and cookies that stops the bots from processing the automated spam. This virtually eliminates the need to type out annoying CAPTCHAS for your commenters. However, nothing is as full proof as the CAPTCHA method, as annoying as it may be. Thus, I’ve also recommended the WP-reCAPTCHA plugin as an alternative.
2. Ultimate Google Analytics
Ultimate Google Analytics allows you to automatically sync your Google Analytics account with your website. This plugin helps you manage your visits, page views-by date and location; and track links. This is very helpful in understanding and analyzing who frequents your site, where they came from, where they linked to from your site. Very useful if you are managing a blog with ads, in which advertisers are paying per page view, etc. Which leads me to my next essential plugin:
3. All in One Adsense and YPN
All in One Adsense and YPN is essential if you want link up your Adsense account with your WordPress blog, with the added benefit of adding your Yahoo! Publisher Network account, as well, doubling your advertising options. It will automatically create the ad codes in your posts, once you provide the publisher/channel IDs. Everyone enjoys the benefits of the lucrative advertising empire (except those unfortunate internet perusers unaware of Firefox’s Adblock add-on).
4. Feed WordPress
Feed Wordpress syndicates your posts into lists of entries viewable from your audience’s feedreaders. This allows for simple access to your site through a feedreader, which allows people to stay updated on your posts. Practically everyone in the world-o-blogs needs a way to manage the sites they frequent through a feedreader, and this plugin allows for fast, easy syndication to assist these audiences without difficult configuration.
5. Add to Any Share/Save/Bookmark Button
Add To Any is pivotal to the success of sharing and spreading your name or your blog. Seen at the bottom of nearly every editorial/news/blog/photolog article is this easy-to-share-with-any-social-networking/bookmarking-site-button. Reddit, Diggit, Facebook post-it, email it: you’ll need this plugin in order to share your thoughts with audiences beyond your control.
6. Insights
Insights is literally heaven-sent. This plugin is a mold of interconnectedness that will improve your efficiency and strengthen the credibility, understanding, and efficiency of your entries. It allows for interconnection through this dynamic AJAX control with Flickr, Google Maps, Wikipedia, YouTube, etc., establishing a dynamic experience with your audience.
7. Global Translator
Global Translator is a fantastic plugin for reaching a wide variety of audiences, allowing for immediate translation of up to 14 different languages in an easily configurable plugin. If you are trying to reach large audiences of various nations and languages, this plugin will save you a lot of time and sanity.
8. About Me Widget
About Me Widget allows for a clean-cut, CSS-able/customizable interface, designed for the sidebar of your WordPress blog. This isn’t terribly difficult to create yourself, but having a copy/paste plugin option is always the more convenient route.
The following are not necessarily essential to the blogosphere, but definitely spruce up the interactivity between your audience and your blog:
9. NextGen Gallery
NextGen Gallery is an aesthetic, interactive photo gallery to host your portfolio or just random, personal photos. You have the visual impact of Jquery’s Lightbox and Thickbox galleries, without the inconvenience of integrating the Jquery code, with this conveniently configurable plugin that packs a powerful punch to the interface of your site/blog/portfolio.
10. iLastFM
iLastFM is an awesome little plugin that will connect your Last.FM account with your blog, in a customizable, easily-configurable interface that creates a little sidebar widget. It can display CD covers with artists for a visual interface that offers a audible delight to your site, while sharing new music with your friends or fans.
Top 10 Essential WordPress Plugins to Start Your Blog and Why
From Belgium to an SEO optimized blog is a difficult Thing to do to yourself. To make things even worse to be from Belgium, it is an impossible traffic BIJNI Without Finding SEO WordPress plugin for dying It really does not work from right to try to pay for additional BEFORE I die Function OM are essential plugin to run.
There are many plugins that have the Internet Big Things This offer, but they rarely cut. It is good to Good Poor what to do. It IS FOR AN BIJNI impossible free SEO plugin die do what can be expected.
Naked, I like if you are, I HAVE A toolbox flight The Public Work Well Done have SEO plugins. Completing the picture need to die I OM lean back in your What you tweak, tweak Wannee understand how many times to too passengers per week. The headache is in. Being in your blog suffers.
Ease out the window down as I still walk on No control over tweaking plugins THAT said thrown. All extra time wasted you lose track of what really should do that in my daily blogging. I went out for couple time to die DO IF YOU Could You Were A STATE FOR A script you find reliable Very Good said everything FOR YOU? In from Belgium to be even better, if even Easy to install in said script is configured. Say it about five to ten minutes long Moves Poor to get that one could put the script I forget it BUT.
I had the same thoughts. Before Meaning Of OM hoe to find what I wanted, I was surfing the web. I was on Price Control SEO try something really hard to budget my past me in my SEO toolkit to find. But not in this search. Either SEO FOR THE price of the Service High IS SEO submission of been in the past in my SEO toolkit. HE HAD FOR Neither More Features than I had in my plugins Toolkit to do.
Finally I gave the web to find a solution Find Surf. DO was tweaking my own and hope for the best. What happens after THAT was awesome. I bought a tool die to do what is from Belgium is about SEO for a month. IK It began receiving e-mail software developer planned.
It was about two weeks OM free newsletter when he sent a link to my WordPress SEO plugin to get. Said that he was free. I said, "Yeah right, hoe Could something be free?" I was already thinking about THAT IF THERE WAS HE HAD conditioned Fri something not desirable.
As soon as I have in all e-tired, I had at Lake Very interested learning about the plug. I clicked on the condition that I was to link to the website where I entitled to be downloaded in HAD to use the plugin for free. Another good thing would IK This plugin is installed on the blog as much as I wanted. It said punt, I want intrigued in the plugin to test ran from what He said he really.
I used your drop. Some plugins tools rarely Responding to confirm your demands. Sure, the man was selling different products, but I have never forced to watch before I even able to wash plugin download. Poor in 5 minutes, I said HAD Ding installed in configured. After using the four weeks preceding plugin, I was pleasantly surprised to see each other die plug ins claim mentioned email validation. Can I use This from Belgium already on my blog plugin.
So I wonder hoe Can I Have I said Great Free SEO WordPress Plugin for them? Truth to tell, It Was Pretty simple. Can you do for elk, says Van Type A free software plug-in should look me die. Normally, Internet marketing guru of one of the free software based zAL heel Estate Pack The full price offer me to buy.
Yesterday, follow the steps.
1. Surf sites such as Clickbank Pay.com Search Products Suppliers die pair similar looking to sell what I bent. And I Wash My Gevala search for free WordPress SEO plugins. 2. IN the search to suppliers to ensure they top the search list. They are those The dying master to sell it maybe the master of all giving away free software, instructions of the Information. 3. Subscribe to Newsletters their free offers. 4. Wait a few weeks to see them In my Forward. 5. Many times Hebrews me a choice of free software, plugins Other interesting solution for your questions. 6. IF I successfully put Had plugin, then send a pair of U.S. dollars hoe developer can upgrade to the paid version of the plugin software. Usually, as a free version is well, full version of anticipation is.
THIS is I had to die in Method My Free SEO plugin you can basically find work in an other type of software plug-ins you looking curved Fri I often Vonda Vonda gold in a free, Training Guides, Products to sell ebooks. You will be amazed for what you get unlimited free Big Time Around The Internet.
How to find the free movement Wordpress plugin SEO - Strategies for Finding FOR ONE free plugin SEO
There are many reasons for blogging. But are the primary uses of blogs as there is a very useful factor better placed to get into the major search engines like Google Yahoo and MSN. It is also used to play with Google Ad Sense.
Search engines, blogs, as it is very useful in more and new information and to receive regular updates, using a set of preferred stock in the results.
So, how and from where you start to optimize your blog?
It depends on the technology, how to make the most out of it or we can say that as you develop. But you have to start from some basic process. The major blogging sites, two is a word and press the other bloggers. How do you want to receive a benefit of SEO, you need to use Blogger because it owned by Google, so that you receive will be indexed very quickly.
There is no difference between a website and a blog. The main control over a blog starts with the regularity of posting. If the search engine model 3 postings watch every day, they will crawl this site very much alive. But it depends also on the theme of the blog. You need to enable your blog to the search rank increase if it is connected to a current topic on the Internet.
Then you should come to start binding optimization.
As blogs usually have a small number of pages and no long need only establish a few rules you should have to apply to your site in a broad way.
• You should use an attractive title for your blog. It should be quite nice to read more for the user.
• Use the key words for your blog in the title. However, there may be more difficult for you, but you should check the title to the theme of the blog think it's very important for your blog context.
• You should h1 tag - all blog editors can use, using it is not difficult to use it. You can do it with style with h1 tag.
Top 20 SEO Tips & Guidelines: Free Search Engine Optimization
1.If you don’t want too much competition from other SEO’s, choose your keywords precisely. For example, Instead of keyword Loan choose keywords like Bank Loan, Equity Loan, Student Loan, Home Loan etc. Order of keyword also matter for search engines. Search engine treats “Loan Equity” and “Equity Loan” as different keywords.
2.Best seo practice is to get at least one of your primary keywords in domain or sub domain name of your website. You can use hyphens (-) to separate multiple keywords. For example: seo-service, seo-guidelines, free-seo each cover two keywords.
3.Get your second or third keywords in your directory name and filename. For example http://www.hiddentricks.com/seo/free-tips.html is best for keyword “free seo tips” , “seo hidden tricks” or "free seo tricks"
4.Keep your webpage free from any syntax error, declare document type at the beginning and validate your HTML and CSS because search engine don’t like pages with too many errors.
5.Give a short Title in of your page in 3-9 words (60-80 characters) maximum in length containing your primary keyword. Remember it will be displayed in search results so choose wisely.
6.Try to include your most important keyword phrases in heading tags on your page if you can but keep in mind it should not be exactly same as title of your page. You can use (H1 H2 H3) tag for specifying anything important. To reduce size of heading use CSS.
7.Specify Meta keywords in heading of document. Limit it to 15 to 20 words. Although not all the search engines give importance but there is no harm doing it. Search engine like Yahoo still give it importance.
8.Write Your Meta Description tag attractive containing keywords because it will appear on the search engine result pages.
9.Use text for navigation menu instead of using images or Java scripts.
10.Try to include your most important keyword in hyperlinked text and text and text that immediately precedes or follows the hyperlink. Do not use same keyword always use synonyms at few places.Jusk like instead of seo, I have use search engine optimization at many places on this page.
11.If you are using images then use “alt” attribute to describe your image with proper keyword.
12.One of the best webmaster guideline is to submit sitemap of your website to make sure all pages of your website are indexed by search engine crawlers.
13.Keep size of your WebPages less than 50KB so it is downloaded fast and visitors don’t have to wait for long. For good SEO site page size ideal should be 15KB.
14.Try to avoid your content in Flash, frame, images, java script because crawler find it very difficult and it is against seo tips and guidelines.
15.Don’t use dynamic url because it don’t contain keywords so its not search engine friendly. If you are using any script which shows dynamic pages then make sure at least it should include one keyword.
16.Don’t try to spam and never use methods like cloaking, keyword spamming or doorway pages. Many seo advices to have multiple domain name and link each other but according to our SEO tips and guidelines search engine can penalize you for this. Instead of that try to add more quality content to your existing website.
17.Submit your website only once to Google, Yahoo, AltaVista and other search engines and open directory. Don’t use any script or website for automatic submission.
18.If your website contents changes very often then provide visitor with Newsletter and RSS feed.
19.Write articles on website related to yours having higher page ranking and leave your websites link.
20. Get link from other sites related to yours, search engine consider it as vote in your favor.
By following our top 20 tips and some other guidelines provided by us you can get in top 10 positions in SERP’s.
ALT Text: "Alternative Text" that is placed in the code for an image in an HTML page. Text provided with an image as an alternative to viewing the actual image. It will appear before the image is fully loaded, if your visitor has their graphics turned off, and if your visitor positions their mouse on the image. Alt text is also important because search engine spiders often read it.
Adsense: "Google AdSense" is a fast and easy way for website publishers to display relevant, unobtrusive Google ads on their web site's content pages and earn money. The ads are related to what your users are looking for on your site, you'll finally have a way to both monetize and enhance your content pages.
Adwords: “Google AdWords" is a quick and simple way to advertise on Google. AdWords ads are displayed along with search results on Google, as well as on search and content sites in the growing Google Network, including AOL, earth link, HowStuffWorks, and Blogger. With searches on Google and page views on the Google Network each day, your Google AdWords ads reach a vast audience.
Banned: When pages are removed from a search engine's index specifically because the search engine has deemed them to be spamming or violating some type of guidelines. A Google page rank of 0 for an established domain name, can often indicate a website has been banned. The most common causes of getting banned are duplicate sites and duplicate content.
Cookie: The browser stores information in a file called cookie.txt and relays that information back to the server each time the browser requests a page. Cookies are what make it possible for sites to remember your user login, password, name or other personalized information.
Domain Name Registration: The first step in building a website is registering a domain name. Whether you register your name with a registrar or your web host (who will register your domain name through a registrar for you) is merely a matter of convenience and preference. When a name is registered you are purchasing the right to the use of that name for the agreed amount of years at registration, usually 1-10 years. No one else may use that name with your specified extension (.com, .net) until you either let the name expire or you sell it to someone else.
Doorway Pages: Doorway pages are pages specifically made for the search engines. Doorway pages contain many links - often hundreds of links - that are of little to no use to the user, and do not contain any valuable content. Search Engines frown on these practices that are designed to manipulate search engines and deceive users. Sites making use of doorway pages may be removed from the major search engines.
Duplicate Sites and Duplicate Content: Multiple pages, sub domains, or domains with substantially duplicate content. Duplicate sites or content are considered as SPAM by most search engines, and can get your site banned from the search engines.
Gateway Pages: A Web page submitted to individual search engine spiders to meet specific relevancy algorithms. The gateway page presents information to the spider while obscuring it from human viewers. The purpose of gateway pages is to present the spider with the format it needs for optimum rankings while presenting a more appropriate version to human viewers. It's also a way for Webmasters to avoid publicly disclosing placement tactics. The use of gateway pages customizes submission to each individual search engine. Also known as doorway pages, bridge pages, entry pages, portals or portal pages.
Hidden Text: Text on a web page which is visible to search engine spiders but not visible to human visitors (e.g. the text is the same or very similar color as the background of the web page, extremely small font is used, usage of multiple TITLE tags, the text in HTML comment, etc.). As this technique could artificially increase the relevancy of the websites and was abused in the past it's treated as SPAM by most search engines.
Host: A host is the company who actually provides the hardware, servers, backbone connections, backup system etc, where your web site is housed. It is their job to make sure your web site is available to site visitors on the World Wide Web around the clock.
Keyword Density: The number of times a keyword is used on a web page divided by the total number of words on the page. Expressed as a percentage. Some search engines use this property for Positioning. Analyzers are available which allow comparisons between pages. Pages can then be produced with the similar keyword densities to those found in high ranking pages.
Link Exchange: When you put a link on your site to another company's site and they reciprocate by putting a link to your company's site on theirs. If other sites link to your website, your website may be considered more popular.
Link exchanges can also hurt you if they are the wrong type. If the website on which your link will appear is just a long list of links (see Link Farm), many search engines consider this to be search engine SPAM that is a way of trying to trick the search engines into thinking your website is popular. They may penalize you or even ban your site from the search engine altogether.
Link Farm: A set of link web pages that have been built for the sole purpose of increasing the number of incoming links to a website to increase link popularity and search engine rankings. Link farms usually require a reciprocal link from sites seeking listings. Link farms are a known SPAM tactic and participating sites are likely to be penalized or banned from the major search engines.
Meta Tag: A meta tag is an element of HTML that often describes the contents of a Web page, and is placed near the beginning of the page's source code. Search engines use information provided in a meta tags to index pages by subject.
PageRank™: Google's patented algorithm to determine the importance of a web page, taking into account factors such as the content of the page, the number of inbound links and the build quality of the page. Page rank as a number between 0 and 10 as shown by the green bar on the Google Tool bar. All new websites start out as page rank 0. Page rank scores are updated quarterly.
Search Engine Submission: To suggest a website to be included in a search engine or directory, so that it may be evaluated and included in search results.
SPAM: The bane of computer existence, SPAM is the pollution of unsolicited e-mail and the misuse of mailing lists to send a message to large amounts of people who did not ask for the e-mail to be sent. This strange term is generally agreed to have originated from a Monty Python skit where the term is repeatedly used. SPAM is also a processed canned meat product and a registered trademark of Hormel foods.
SEO: Search Engine Optimization is the constantly changing and very competitive practice of designing websites and pages to rank as highly as possible in search results from search engines. When a search is done in a search engine the first websites to appear on the list under sponsored links are the best search engine optimized sites for the keyword entered in.
Unique Visitor: Website traffic measurement where each person's individual IP address visiting a particular website is counted only once, regardless of how many times they visit that particular website in a given day.