1. I’m receiving a “Cannot modify header information – headers already sent” warning.

2. The backups of my WordPress database files are way too large.

3. WordPress doesn’t appear to be saving my changes.

4. WordPress STILL doesn’t appear to be saving my changes.

5. I cannot delete old posts or pages, I just receive an error message.

6. My version of WordPress doesn’t seem to allow workable permalinks.

7. I can’t seem to block spam from my comments section.

8. A WordPress plugin that has always worked OK in the past suddenly isn’t working.

9. I’m trying to delete a WordPress plugin I no longer use, but it’s not working and it’s causing errors on my site.


1. WP SpamFree

WP SpamFree allows you to eliminate automated spam bots from controlling your comments, by using javascript and cookies that stops the bots from processing the automated spam. This virtually eliminates the need to type out annoying CAPTCHAS for your commenters. However, nothing is as full proof as the CAPTCHA method, as annoying as it may be. Thus, I’ve also recommended the WP-reCAPTCHA plugin as an alternative.

2. Ultimate Google Analytics

Ultimate Google Analytics allows you to automatically sync your Google Analytics account with your website. This plugin helps you manage your visits, page views-by date and location; and track links. This is very helpful in understanding and analyzing who frequents your site, where they came from, where they linked to from your site. Very useful if you are managing a blog with ads, in which advertisers are paying per page view, etc. Which leads me to my next essential plugin:

3. All in One Adsense and YPN

All in One Adsense and YPN is essential if you want link up your Adsense account with your WordPress blog, with the added benefit of adding your Yahoo! Publisher Network account, as well, doubling your advertising options. It will automatically create the ad codes in your posts, once you provide the publisher/channel IDs. Everyone enjoys the benefits of the lucrative advertising empire (except those unfortunate internet perusers unaware of Firefox’s Adblock add-on).

4. Feed WordPress

Feed Wordpress syndicates your posts into lists of entries viewable from your audience’s feedreaders. This allows for simple access to your site through a feedreader, which allows people to stay updated on your posts. Practically everyone in the world-o-blogs needs a way to manage the sites they frequent through a feedreader, and this plugin allows for fast, easy syndication to assist these audiences without difficult configuration.

5. Add to Any Share/Save/Bookmark Button

Add To Any is pivotal to the success of sharing and spreading your name or your blog. Seen at the bottom of nearly every editorial/news/blog/photolog article is this easy-to-share-with-any-social-networking/bookmarking-site-button. Reddit, Diggit, Facebook post-it, email it: you’ll need this plugin in order to share your thoughts with audiences beyond your control.

6. Insights

Insights is literally heaven-sent. This plugin is a mold of interconnectedness that will improve your efficiency and strengthen the credibility, understanding, and efficiency of your entries. It allows for interconnection through this dynamic AJAX control with Flickr, Google Maps, Wikipedia, YouTube, etc., establishing a dynamic experience with your audience.

7. Global Translator

Global Translator is a fantastic plugin for reaching a wide variety of audiences, allowing for immediate translation of up to 14 different languages in an easily configurable plugin. If you are trying to reach large audiences of various nations and languages, this plugin will save you a lot of time and sanity.

8. About Me Widget

About Me Widget allows for a clean-cut, CSS-able/customizable interface, designed for the sidebar of your WordPress blog. This isn’t terribly difficult to create yourself, but having a copy/paste plugin option is always the more convenient route.
The following are not necessarily essential to the blogosphere, but definitely spruce up the interactivity between your audience and your blog:

9. NextGen Gallery

NextGen Gallery is an aesthetic, interactive photo gallery to host your portfolio or just random, personal photos. You have the visual impact of Jquery’s Lightbox and Thickbox galleries, without the inconvenience of integrating the Jquery code, with this conveniently configurable plugin that packs a powerful punch to the interface of your site/blog/portfolio.

10. iLastFM

iLastFM is an awesome little plugin that will connect your Last.FM account with your blog, in a customizable, easily-configurable interface that creates a little sidebar widget. It can display CD covers with artists for a visual interface that offers a audible delight to your site, while sharing new music with your friends or fans.


From Belgium to an SEO optimized blog is a difficult Thing to do to yourself. To make things even worse to be from Belgium, it is an impossible traffic BIJNI Without Finding SEO WordPress plugin for dying It really does not work from right to try to pay for additional BEFORE I die Function OM are essential plugin to run.

There are many plugins that have the Internet Big Things This offer, but they rarely cut. It is good to Good Poor what to do. It IS FOR AN BIJNI impossible free SEO plugin die do what can be expected.

Naked, I like if you are, I HAVE A toolbox flight The Public Work Well Done have SEO plugins. Completing the picture need to die I OM lean back in your What you tweak, tweak Wannee understand how many times to too passengers per week. The headache is in. Being in your blog suffers.

Ease out the window down as I still walk on No control over tweaking plugins THAT said thrown. All extra time wasted you lose track of what really should do that in my daily blogging. I went out for couple time to die DO IF YOU Could You Were A STATE FOR A script you find reliable Very Good said everything FOR YOU? In from Belgium to be even better, if even Easy to install in said script is configured. Say it about five to ten minutes long Moves Poor to get that one could put the script I forget it BUT.

I had the same thoughts. Before Meaning Of OM hoe to find what I wanted, I was surfing the web. I was on Price Control SEO try something really hard to budget my past me in my SEO toolkit to find. But not in this search. Either SEO FOR THE price of the Service High IS SEO submission of been in the past in my SEO toolkit. HE HAD FOR Neither More Features than I had in my plugins Toolkit to do.

Finally I gave the web to find a solution Find Surf. DO was tweaking my own and hope for the best. What happens after THAT was awesome. I bought a tool die to do what is from Belgium is about SEO for a month. IK It began receiving e-mail software developer planned.

It was about two weeks OM free newsletter when he sent a link to my WordPress SEO plugin to get. Said that he was free. I said, "Yeah right, hoe Could something be free?" I was already thinking about THAT IF THERE WAS HE HAD conditioned Fri something not desirable.

As soon as I have in all e-tired, I had at Lake Very interested learning about the plug. I clicked on the condition that I was to link to the website where I entitled to be downloaded in HAD to use the plugin for free. Another good thing would IK This plugin is installed on the blog as much as I wanted. It said punt, I want intrigued in the plugin to test ran from what He said he really.

I used your drop. Some plugins tools rarely Responding to confirm your demands. Sure, the man was selling different products, but I have never forced to watch before I even able to wash plugin download. Poor in 5 minutes, I said HAD Ding installed in configured. After using the four weeks preceding plugin, I was pleasantly surprised to see each other die plug ins claim mentioned email validation. Can I use This from Belgium already on my blog plugin.

So I wonder hoe Can I Have I said Great Free SEO WordPress Plugin for them? Truth to tell, It Was Pretty simple. Can you do for elk, says Van Type A free software plug-in should look me die. Normally, Internet marketing guru of one of the free software based zAL heel Estate Pack The full price offer me to buy.

Yesterday, follow the steps.

1. Surf sites such as Clickbank Pay.com Search Products Suppliers die pair similar looking to sell what I bent. And I Wash My Gevala search for free WordPress SEO plugins. 2. IN the search to suppliers to ensure they top the search list. They are those The dying master to sell it maybe the master of all giving away free software, instructions of the Information. 3. Subscribe to Newsletters their free offers. 4. Wait a few weeks to see them In my Forward. 5. Many times Hebrews me a choice of free software, plugins Other interesting solution for your questions. 6. IF I successfully put Had plugin, then send a pair of U.S. dollars hoe developer can upgrade to the paid version of the plugin software. Usually, as a free version is well, full version of anticipation is.

THIS is I had to die in Method My Free SEO plugin you can basically find work in an other type of software plug-ins you looking curved Fri I often Vonda Vonda gold in a free, Training Guides, Products to sell ebooks. You will be amazed for what you get unlimited free Big Time Around The Internet.
